Keeping Me In Stitches

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Baby Blanket Blues

So I'm making my friend a baby blanket.
It's my very first knit blanket ever. It's not challenging at all. I'm using the pattern on the back of the skein Bernat's Baby Coordinates Sweet Stripes - Purple Blanket. It's very very easy.

It's just taking me FOREVER!!!!!!!!
I started it over a month ago and I work on it about an hour to two hours each day. I'm only just now past the halfway mark and am finally decreasing. It's a good thing the baby isn't due until May because it looks like it's going to take me that long to finish it!

Here it is just past the increasing rows:

**Small girls (who also knit) wouldn't let me knit this in public when I first started it. They said that on the circular needles, it looked like I was knitting a THONG for someone with a really big butt LOL!**

And wouldn't you know it, I volunteered to make my coworker a baby blanket too. Anyone out there have a baby blanket pattern that goes by QUICKLY that would be suitable for a boy? I was thinking big & lacy on huge needles would be quick, but my dilemma(s) with that is that the baby's fingers & toes would get caught in the "holes" and big & lacy doesn't quite go well for a baby boy.

Help a girl out? I wouldn't want to have to *gulp* crochet her a baby blanket just because it's faster....poor baby.

Think of the baby....


  • At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    same blanket, BIG needles (sz. 15 or so?) and use a double or triple strand of yarn. Waaay fewer (b-cuz tehy are bigger) stitches, interest added to striping with more than one strand of yarn together.


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