Keeping Me In Stitches

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Yeah, I'm a slacker. I haven't posted in MONTHS.

We've had a lot of changes 'round here and it took some getting used to. Plus, I have found that I am a "seasonal knitter". I just cannot get the motivation to knit when it's 90*+ outside and not much cooler inside (no A/C).


I just finished dh's sweater. It's Baseball from I did it in TLC Cotton Plus in "Winter Sage" I think it was called. The color has been discontinued. Thank goodness I bought enough of it lol.

Baseball was a lot of firsts for me. This was my first adult-sized sweater. Ever. It was also my first time cabling. It was also my first time seaming with the mattress stitch. The cables & the mattress stitch were far less intimidating to do than they were to read about or watch being done on videos from The only parts that really gave me an issue were where the tops of the sleeves join the front & back of the sweater and where the collar joins at that same point. It looks a little awkward to me, dh says it's only a little snug in the shoulders. He does have wide shoulders though *swoon*. The sweater makes him look like he has skinny little arms lol. He doesn't, but it looks funny. I think that's the cabling down the sleeve.

Without further ado, here he is...trying not to look like a dork and not quite succeeding.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And here is a close up of the cables:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


  • At 9:10 AM, Blogger T said…

    Hi Heather, welcome back! This template is WAY different from your last one! I'm thinking of a redecorating project, too... it's just a "time thang", you know?

    There's one problem (for me) - I can't see your pics. Most of the time I couldn't in your other template, either, so maybe it's me?

    As before, let me know if I can help :-)


  • At 9:12 PM, Blogger Zonda said…

    That is gorgeous! Love the color and cabling!

  • At 6:11 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Wow, that is awesome. I also love the color and the cables. Beautiful!


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